June 26, 2020

'We Get By' Covers Album Out Now

During 2020's long, strange quarantine period, Sara May (who records as Falcon Jane) and Andrew McArthur found themselves holed up together, cut off from the lives they lived before. They turned to music, to songs old and new, to ground themselves in that moment and connect with the world around them. After a while they realized they had found a batch of tracks that spoke to them deeply, and they set about recording their own versions.

Now, a few months later, Falcon Jane and Andrew McArthur have released We Get By, a collection of five beautifully rendered cover songs. The first track on the EP is "Long Monday", the John Prine classic, all the more moving with his recent passing. Here's what Sara May had to say about the song:

John Prine’s classic tune has always hit me hard, but now, during this indefinite period of isolation, and after his passing, the song rings ever truer, ever louder, ever deeper. The long Monday. The hangover. The postpartum. The state of solemn reflection and loneliness after the warmth of company. These long days are filled with nostalgia, quiet memories, and the longing for those good times that would typically carry you through the dark days. We are in the long Monday of our regular lives.

June 26, 2020
We Get By
Falcon Jane
Falcon Jane
Ontario, Canada

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